About Nuro Photography

     The word Nuro is Amharic (Ethiopian) for "daily living". Through the seasons of life we delve into the good and bad, the ups and downs, the celebrations and disappointments that happen on a day to day basis. Each of these moments help define who we are and point us to who we will become. My passion is capturing these defining moments and giving you the opportunity to return to a point in time and remember the emotions that were stirring.
     My life has always been intertwined with the arts. In my younger days it was theater, music and writing. Photography was never a blip on the radar until my wife and I started a family. As I began to capture our adventures on camera an addiction began. There is something about getting that perfect shot that keeps me coming back for more. I look forward to sharing this passion with you as we capture the defining moments of your journey!

Garrett Beatty